Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yes, that’s right! Don’t attempt to adjust your non prescription black framed fashion glasses! Emo Fest 2007 is coming to a dull town full of pretentious kids near you! We know you’ve been waiting all year, standing around with your arms folded while talking about how you like music so obscure the bands in question haven’t even heard of themselves yet, pausing occasionally to delicately sweep your black hair away from your face and adjust your studded belt. Well, we are ready to come to your hometown and cash in on your sheep-like consumer youth with performances by bands full of prissy, whining pseudo-males that wear blood circulation-disrupting  pants and salvation army t-shirts. We’ve gathered all the bands with names that are comprised of a denomination of time coupled with a word or phrase that denotes a sense of loss, fleetingness or violence. Be sure to catch:
The Sucks, January Fades, Tuesday Blows, 8 Weeks In Tears, Bi-annual Sad Day, The Shitty Kids, September Death, December Sucked, Sad-face Suicide, Her Dying Death, Melancholy Blood Knife, The Love That Kills, Mundane Monday Massacre, Lets Kill This Twat and probably a few of your local bands with similar lookin’ guys who have their hoods up and balls chopped off to fit in those god awful pants.

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